Hi friends.
My last post was over a month ago. And oh boy is it a good one. The best homemade pizza ever. Be sure to check it out if you haven’t.
Maybe you’ve noticed I’ve been a bit scarce lately. Maybe you haven’t. That’s okay. 🙂
The last few months have brought quite a few challenges and new adventures for our family and I want to share so you know why I’ve needed a little blogging break for a minute here.
First, school started. How’s it going for you?
All of my kids are remote for at least part of the time. That’s a lot of coming and going and I felt a little dizzy for a while there. It took a minute, but I think we have finally got into somewhat of a rhythm. Phew.
Second, I love fall because it means the harvest season, but wow it’s a lot of work. I don’t think our garden has ever been so productive as it has this year. Normally I do a lot of canning this time of year. But this year is different and you’ll see why in a second. But even without canning, some days it feels like a full time job just giving away all the food. Haha.

Finally…we are moving. That’s right. We found a house on a five acre farm about 25 minutes away and we are moving out to the country where we can have larger animals. What kind of animals is still to be determined, but we’re starting with horses and we’ll see where we go from there. We will miss our garden, our fruit trees, and all the friends we’ve made here, of course. But we are so excited to have a little more breathing room and all the changes that will come with that.

So basically I haven’t been posting much because I have a lot of packing to do. We’ve lived in our house 15 years and that’s a lot of stuff, my friends. A LOT.
I’m still cooking like crazy (at least until my kitchen gets packed) and have several recipes waiting in the wings to share with you.
And I can’t wait.
Please be patient with me as I take some time to get my feet back under me with all of the changes but I’ll be back to post some amazing recipes just as soon as I can.
See ya later, alligator!
We are certainly going to miss your talented little family here in the neighborhood but are also excited for you to have this new opportunity! You have a great view of the mountains and by next year those lovely sunflowers will be just as tall in your new garden!
Thanks Carolyn, we will miss you too! 🙂