Greetings, my friend!

Welcome to The Cook’s Treat. I’m so glad you dropped by.

About me and my fam

My name is Heather and I love to cook, eat, and dream about delicious food. It makes it all the better when I get to share those things with the people I love. I live on a 5-acre farm in the beautiful mountainous valley of Utah County with my husband Brandon and our three children: 2 boys (17 and 14) and a little girl (6). When we have a little free time, we enjoy discovering beautiful places together – hiking, biking, kayaking, 4-wheeling, or horseback riding.

The Cook's Treat Fam Pic

About The Cook’s Treat

I loved cooking treats for my family growing up. And guess what the best part was? The Cook’s Treat! Because we were the cook, we got to taste everything we made first. And guess what? Things haven’t changed much cause that’s still my favorite part of being the cook. Hurray for The Cook’s Treat!

The food and recipes

I’m a mom—a self-made home cook, in a basic home kitchen. I want this blog to be a space where I can share tried-and-true favorite recipes that our family loves.

I love the charm of old things – old houses, old places, and old people. So it won’t surprise you a bit to hear that I am a collector of old favorite family recipes and the stories that go along with them. I enjoy putting my own special twist on old favorites in order to make them better (or better for you).

I love cooking from scratch with basic ingredients that I can pronounce and find in my local grocery store or the garden/mini-farm in my backyard. My body thanks me when I can use fruits, vegetables, whole-grains, and healthy sweeteners in a recipe and it doesn’t compromise the eating experience. And while I am passionate about converting recipes to be healthier, this is not a health food or a dieting blog. So don’t be surprised when you see recipes with white sugar and white flour in it. When it comes right down to it, I just love good food. And I love sharing that love with others. And that, my friend, is what this blog is all about.

Thank you, my friend.

I hope you follow along with me (on Facebook and Instagram) and connect with me through comments on this blog. I will do my best to respond as timely as possible. If you have any questions about my privacy policies and affiliate disclosures feel free to look them over.

Contact me

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