A quick update about why I’ve needed a blogging break for a minute.

A quick update about why I’ve needed a blogging break for a minute.
Seeking to connect through a new series called social snippets. This blog post includes some reflective thoughts on the question what does tomorrow mean?
Have you ever made giant bubbles? Today I’m sharing the recipe plus what we’ve been up to and a few other fun ideas for summer.
Sharing my thoughts about the COVID-19 virus and how it is affecting us. Plus reaching out to give all of you a virtual hug.
The story of my journey to lose 25 pounds without dieting. How portion control can help with long-term weight loss and some ideas if you want to try this approach to losing weight yourself.
November is the month of gratitude and today I’m sharing just a few thoughts about what I’m grateful for.
Hello my friends! Today I’m popping in to share a few quick things. First it’s all about our last hurrah for summer – a fun adventure our family went on. Next some back to school thoughts including preschool (and a fun playdough recipe). And finally a few things that save my life this time of …
This post is made up of random things going on, a few updates, and some new favorites. It’s really just whatever has been on my mind, which can sometimes get a little crazy.
The story of how I hand crocheted a large rug for my daughter’s room. My successes and failures and what I learned from them.
Today I’m sharing some passing thoughts with you about flowers, curls, dishwasher dilemmas, and puppies. Finally a few deeper thoughts about finding joy.