Sharing my thoughts about the COVID-19 virus and how it is affecting us. Plus reaching out to give all of you a virtual hug.

Dear friends I have so many thoughts to share. Does it matter that it’s not Saturday? Who knows what day it is anyway, right? I woke up thinking it was Thursday.
I apologize if these thoughts are scattered and a little jumbly. I’ll blame it on the muddled mess of my mind right now.
How are you doing?
It’s been a rough weekend for our family (more on that below).
It dawned on me today that the COVID-19 pandemic has caused many of us to slip into the mourning cycle. We are mourning the lack of the norm. And the things that our lost. Maybe even our health or employment.
Where are you at? Shock, denial, anger, bargaining, or depression? Or maybe you took the speedy approach and have already reached acceptance.
I know I’ve felt periods of exhaustion, worry, stress, lack of motivation. Through it all I’ve tried to hold on to hope, a desire to see the silver linings, and to focus on positivity.
But then it got really real.
Thursday our oldest son came down with a cough and fever. And of course like everyone else in the world would right now, we were concerned he had the dreaded disease, COVID-19.
We called the hotline and were asked several questions and were eventually told it was too early for him to be tested as they were limiting it to those who had come in contact with someone with the virus. And we had not. In fact we’ve been locked away in our house for 3 weeks.
It was a scary time. We racked our brains for the time when he possibly could have caught it. But we couldn’t really come up with anything.
We’ve been super super careful. Like crazy careful. After my husband’s hospital stay a few months ago, he was diagnosed with a rare condition and put on medication that suppresses his immune system. We knew he falls in the high risk category for the disease. He’s been working from home. We do curbside pickup for our groceries. Our kids have not had any contact with other people other for close to 3 weeks.
Well his fever didn’t improve. It reached 106 the first night, 105 the next. To make a long story short we ended up taking him to the after hours doctor (by this time it was the weekend) and they ran a strep and flu test which were both negative. So he was tested for COVID-19.
We were blessed that it only took 2 days to get the results. But those two days dragged on forever while his fever and cough continued. Thankfully we found out yesterday that the results were negative.
It’s been five days now and he still has the fever/cough. We are still in the process of working with his doctor to find out what it is. But we are grateful it’s not COVID-19.
Through this experience though I’ve felt such a deep gratitude for the medical professionals and everyone else who is involved on the front lines to help stop the spread of this disease. And also risking their own health to help others get the medical help they need. Also I’m so grateful for all those who are following social distancing practices, making it safer for those who are on the front lines and for those who need medical help to get it.
This weekend our family listened online to our church leaders in a worldwide conference for our church. Our prophet invited us and I want to invite you, no matter your faith, to join in a worldwide fast on Good Friday April 10th to petition God for his aid in behalf of the worldwide COVID-19 pandemic.
If you are not familiar with fasting, it means going without food and water for 2 consecutive meals. If that’s not physically possible, you can give another sacrifice that you choose.
As people of all faiths unite in fasting in prayer, I believe with all my heart that God will send down blessings upon us. I know He loves us with a love of a true father because He is our Father. He is aware of us and what we are going through.

I have felt peace during this time of uncertainty and I know it comes from Him. Combined with prayer, fasting has the power to heal and mend and the world in ways that the world needs desperately right now. And I look forward to joining my faith with others in this way.
Specifically I’ll be praying and fasting for those affected directly by COVID-19, those who are sick and those who are caring for the sick. And those blessed people who are working on the front lines: the hospital and medical workers, the scientists, and law enforcement officers. I’m so grateful for all of those who are directly working so hard to stop this pandemic.
Also included in my prayers and thoughts will be those indirectly affected including those who have lost jobs, who are out watching the bills pile up and no income coming in. And those businesses who are affected, who are suddenly out of customers or needing to pivot into new entrepreneurial territory as social distancing measures have changed business.
And then there are those who have been maybe not affected in those ways, but still affected mentally or emotionally. Many of us have felt the pressure as the demands on our time and resources have been stretched to the limit while social outlets have been removed. This includes parents who may be working from home now and still trying to home school children. And all those overwhelmed by the stress of venturing out to the grocery store only to find the things they need already gone.
And what about the lonely? I know even I (a proclaimed introvert) still miss people. I miss the hugs, talking to someone who is not 6 feet away, and most especially looking strangers in the eye and not seeing fear.
Each one of us has been affected by this worldwide pandemic in some way or another. I know my individual thoughts and prayers have been with you, my friends, as I’ve wondered what I can share that would help lift and help you with the things you are going through.
Although we are somewhat isolated physically, we are blessed with technology that can help draw our hearts together.
So I’m reaching out to give you all a virtual hug.
This is a difficult time. I know for us this has been a time to cut back. To trim the excess and focus on what’s most important.
Take care of yourself. Take your family. And take care of others.
We’ll get through this, my friends.

Thank you Heather! We have been praying for your son and your family. Putting this in the “mourning” cycle was enlightening for me. When things lighten up, which they eventually will, please come on over and see my husbands new ( at least new to him) piano!
Thanks for keeping us in your prayers Carolyn. And yes, I would love to come see your husband’s piano! That’s exciting 🙂