Hello my friends!
Today I’m popping in to share a few quick things.
First it’s all about our last hurrah for summer – a fun adventure our family went on. Next some back to school thoughts including preschool (and a fun playdough recipe). And finally a few things that save my life this time of year with all the back to school chaos.
End of Summer, the Last Hurrah
For years I’ve wanted to hike the narrows in Zions National Park and we decided back in January that this was going to be the year. We went just before school started in August. Our group consisted of Brandon and I, our boys (ages 14 and 11), and eight other people that I didn’t know from Brandon’s work.
We took a shuttle to the top of the narrows and hiked all day 16 miles down through the virgin river. It took us 10 hours, and we were going at a fairly quick pace. It was strenuous and difficult, but also one of the coolest things I’ve ever done.
I can’t even begin to describe the majesty of that place. The entire time I kept thinking how blessed I felt to be able to experience it. It was quiet and peaceful for the first about 11 miles. Just our group plus maybe 3 other people we saw hiking in separate groups.
Towering rocks on either side of us and the beautiful virgin river flowing in between.

Pictures don’t do it justice at all.
The weather was perfect. Not too hot and not too cold. The water wasn’t warm, but it wasn’t too cold either – which was good because we were in and out of it most of the day. A few times we had to swim, which was probably the most terrifying part for me since I don’t swim. But everyone else seemed to enjoy cooling off a bit.
The last 5 miles were the most difficult. We were hiking in the water most of the time and walking on rocks that felt like slippery bowling balls. We were tired and sore and as we got closer to the end of the hike there were more and more people of all different nationalities crowding everywhere. A huge contrast from the peace and quiet we had experienced up to that point.
When we finished the hike we took the shuttle back to our campground. That night and the next day we were SUPER sore and tired, but I knew if given a chance I would do it again in a heartbeat. It really was an amazing experience.
Back to School Thoughts
Well we survived the summer. The schedule that I shared at the beginning of summer actually stuck most days except the off days like holidays and vacations. I was actually quite pleased about how well it went.
So now it’s back to school and transitioning back into new schedules and routines. We’re still adjusting, even after 3 weeks. But that’s to be expected.
I decided not to put my 4-year-old in a regular preschool this year. I am savoring my last year with her home all day. We are doing a play group once a week with some other kids in the neighborhood and having some preschool activities as part of that.
And at the end of the post I’m sharing a fun recipe for playdough that’s great for preschool-age kids (or older). We love and make it ALL the time. It’s nice because all the ingredients are pantry friendly and you can whip it up just 5 minutes.
My daughter loves playing with playdough and making all kinds of yummy food for us – cookies, cinnamon rolls, brownies, you name it. She has the best imagination and loves pretend play. And this playdough makes her play come alive.

Tips for Surviving Crazy Schedules
I just wanted to share a few thoughts I’ve had on surviving the back to school craziness. It seems like everything gets packed into a month or two this time of year and I always end up being on the edge of my sanity as a result. Anyone relate?
I’m learning to cut back and say no.
We actually simplified A LOT this year. Both boys decided not to do sports. Consequently we have reclaimed most of our weekends and weeknights again. And we are loving it.
But there is still a lot going on and navigating the chaos is often tricky. Here’s a few tips that have saved me in the past as far as meals go:
- Easy Breakfasts – I am a firm believer in easy breakfasts, my friends. Especially during the school year. I like to keep the refrigerator stocked with quick things to grab like fruit and hard boiled eggs. I keep ready made breakfasts like pancakes, waffles and muffins in the freezer for everyone to warm up for themselves. Simplifying the morning routine by letting everyone help themselves always makes the whole day go a lot smoother.
- School Lunches – Our kids usually opt out of the provided school cafeteria lunches (which lets be honest are disgusting) and bring their lunch from home in a good old brown paper bag. Things like cheese sticks, homemade bagels with cream cheese, these baguettes either plain or for sandwiches, cut up fruit, and of course regular lunch-type snacky-type items are some of our standbys. Luckily for my kids the simpler choices seem to be preferred with a little something special thrown in once and a while for variety.
- Family Dinners – I’m a firm believer in the importance of family dinner time, but chaotic schedules take their toll and sometimes it’s more of a ideal than a reality. Planning out menus is a huge sanity saver for me. Knowing what I am making AND having all the ingredients on hand is a game changer. I normally plan and shop for two weeks of dinner menus at a time and I love that it cuts down on time as well as expense to have it all planned out. My favorite easy dinners are make-ahead-able in the slow cooker or in the electric pressure cooker (thanks to the keep warm function). Meals that come together quick also work well and I’ve posted some of our favorites for you – these 20-minute or these 30-minute meals.
What do you do to save your sanity this time of year?
Don’t forget to chime in with your thoughts. I always love to hear from you, my wonderful readers.
Finally here’s the play dough recipe I promised. Thanks for being here.

Homemade 5-minute Playdough
This is my favorite homemade playdough recipe. It's quick and easy and kids love it!
- 1 cup water
- 10-20 drops food coloring
- 1 cup flour
- ½ cup table salt
- 2 teaspoons cream of tartar
- 2 tablespoons cooking oil
In a liquid measuring cup, stir together water and food coloring and pour into a medium saucepan. Add flour, salt, cream of tartar, and cooking oil and whisk well to combine.
Cook mixture over medium heat for 2 to 3 minutes, stirring constantly, just until dough begins to pull away from sides of pan. Remove from heat and cool to touch.
Use for pretend play. Although this playdough is nontoxic and safe to eat, I don't recommend it!
To store, place in quart size zipper freezer bag, remove excess air, and place in refrigerator. Will keep for several weeks if sealed well.
Recipe Source: Adapted from a recipe shared with me by my Mom that we made all the time growing up.
All images and text ©The Cook’s Treat