Hello Hello.
I took a week off to spend some extra time during spring break with my family and it was a wonderful and needed change.
I MISSED sharing awesome recipes with you.
BUT I sure got a lot done. You know all the stuff on the list that never gets done?
Yeah it was good to get some of those things checked off.
And the extra time with the kids is always an adventure.
Planting the garden
We got the garden planted with the cold-loving seeds like peas, carrots, lettuce, spinach, etc. It looks pretty ugly and boring now…

But I can’t wait until everything starts popping up!
And guess what? I’m happy to report that I still do have some strawberry plants in the garden after the deer did their damage. I covered them with some netting to help protect them. Hopefully that will ward them off.

I love this patch where the garlic and onions are growing. It’s so green and bright and happy. One of my favorite spots in the garden right now.

Spending time in the garden this week reminded me how much the garden is my therapy. I love being out there working in the soil. And I’m so excited for spring!
Spring Break Adventures
The first adventure of the week was taking my two little ones ice skating. Wow. That was a riot. I was pretty humbled watching my 10-year-old skate with total confidence while I’m grasping at one of those push-along-things that was supposed to be meant for my two-year-old hoping I wouldn’t slip and make a fool of myself.
He kept offering to push her along so I could skate and I kept turning him down insisting that he should go have fun and I’d just help her along.
Ha Ha Ha. Help her along. Yeah right. More like help myself along.
I did let him push her a few times while I wobbly made my way around the rink. Here’s a picture I managed to snap without falling on my face. Phew.

The rest of the week was spent checking stuff of that list like dejunking and organizing and boring stuff like that. We did take a trip to the library which is always a fun adventure for my kids. They all LOVE the library. My little one was so cute sitting there reading all her books out loud to herself. I didn’t have the heart to shush her but I’m sure she was quite the distraction.

Probably the biggest adventure of the week was the quick overnight trip we took up to Idaho to visit family. We stayed in a hotel, which is always fun for the kids.
The kid’s highlights included playing tag in the pool, eating anything they want at the breakfast buffet (including three bowls full of fruit loops in my teenager’s case who thought he was in heaven since I never buy sugar cereal), and of course their favorite…
…riding on the hotel zoomy carts

And as for the parents, we were none too happy to come home after a night of very little sleep thanks to a wandering two-year-old who wakes up at all hours of the night.
It was a fun and exciting week.
Lazy Ironman
Last but not least I wanted to share with you my major accomplishment from last month: my husband and I finished a lazy ironman.
Have you ever heard of a lazy ironman? It’s basically all of the requirements for an ironman just done over a month instead of 24 hours. We ran 26.2 miles and biked 112 miles (we didn’t do the swimming requirement because the pool was closed).
And wow I gained so much respect for those who do those things the non-lazy way. That’s a lot of miles, my friends. A lot of freezing cold miles, in our case.
But I’m happy to have done it. And I feel stronger as a result. AND I got a cool T-shirt.

Now next up is our 50-mile bike ride here in the next week or so. We were going to do it in May but figured we’re probably in the best shape now after finishing our lazy ironman. Hurray!
Well that’s the wrap for today.
I’ll be back Monday with a delicious recipe. See ya then!