Heather’s Mini Holiday Gift Guide for Kids

Hello friends! Today I’m sharing with you a holiday gift guide that’s all about KID STUFF. I’m only sharing favorites here –as in fun things our kids have and actually use.

I’ve got two boys (13 and 10) and a little girl (3). I love to get ideas too so if you’d like to chime in, I’d love to hear your comments about what gifts YOUR kids have that they LOVE.

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Mini Gift Guide Kids

1. Plasma car – Honestly whoever created these things is a genius. They are fun for all ages –even my 3-year-old loves it. She calls it her scooter, which is pretty much how she rides it. The older kids ride it by wiggling back and forth which really uses up a lot of energy (yay!). Of course these things are supposed to be just for kids so don’t ask my neighbors if they’ve ever seen me hop on ours and go zooming down the sidewalk, okay? I’m sure that has never happened.

2. Gobblet Gobblers – This game is a version of tic-tac-toe gone a bit crazy and a lot more fun. The games go quick and involve a lot more strategy than your regular tic-tac-toe because you have to look out for the pieces that can gobble you. Such a fun game to pull out when you just have a few minutes to spend together. We like to do tournaments to see who can be the gobblet gobbler winner.

3. Magna Doodle – Another thing I wish I had invented. We have a larger one which is fun, but I love these small doodle boards for their portability. These are the best when you need to keep a small child quiet for a minute. We pull it out at church, in the doctors office, or in the car.

4. The Great Dalmuti – This is one of our all-time favorite card games ever. If you’ve ever played Scum it is very similar but this version is a lot better. We’ve played it for years and gifted it to most of our family members. It is such a fun game. Sometimes if we are feeling extra playful we pull out some fun hats that you have to wear depending on what your rank is in the game (like a sombrero for the Great Dalmuti). It makes it really fun.


Mini Gift Guide Kids

5. Rubix Cube – This rubix cube is awesome because it doesn’t have those stickers that you can remove and cheat with. My boys watched youtube for hours to learn how to solve it one summer. And they still pull it out to show off to all their friends. We also have the 4×4 and 2×2 cubes in a similar style.

6. Perplexus – We love the perplexus. We also have the Epic version. These have kept my kids busy for hours trying to master getting tiny balls through a maze of ramps. Even adults really love them. They are a lot of fun.

7. Duo Scope Microscope – My oldest son has this microscope that he got several years ago and it really is high quality for the price. So many kid microscopes are just a disappointment cause you really can’t see anything, but this one I have been impressed. We’ve pulled it out so many times to look anything from leaf structures to mold or even the penny (where you can see Abraham Lincoln sitting in the Lincoln Memorial –it’s really cool).

8. Doinkit Darts – A great dart set that is magnetic so you don’t have to worry about holes getting poked everywhere in your house. The magnets are strong and hold the darts well. This is one of those things that gets played pretty much every day around here.


9. Dot-A-Dot Markers – I seriously love these dotter pens/markers/things. They are so much easier to handle for little ones than pens. We also have this fun coloring book that my daughter loves to dot with.

10. Tournament Chess Set – My boys are really into chess and they love to play in tournaments. This is an awesome tournament chess set that is easy to store with high quality pieces.

11. Small Exercise Ball – Our basement has a large playroom where the kids are allowed to throw balls. I bought this ball for them to play down there with and it is so perfect. It is sturdy enough that they can be fairly rough with it and it still holds its air. It’s also perfect for playing games like dodgeball because it is still firm, but doesn’t hurt when it hits you.

12. Cutest baby doll ever – Do you know how many ugly baby dolls there are out there? Oh my! I never noticed until I had a little girl. This little baby is the perfect size and so soft with the sweetest little face. She gets a lot of loving around here. My daughter named her “Shelly” which is the perfect little name for her. What a sweetie.

Hope that gives you a few ideas. I’d love to hear any you have to share also — What things do your kids LOVE?

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